Floor & Joint Repairs

Floor & Joint Repairs

Whether within the confines of the VNA or in the free movement areas many floors begin to feel the wear and tear of foot and MHE traffic. Get in touch and we can provide repair solutions.

General Floor Repair

A repair that doesn’t cross a steel / control joint usually the result of general wear and tear of foot / MHE traffic. 

Steel / Control Expansion Joint Repair

This is a repair to a steel / concrete expansion joint and is usually the result of floor movement.

Floor Cracking

Cracks in the floor that don’t require a full repair but left untreated will lead to bigger problems.

Bolt & Stud Removals

This is necessary when a warehouse has been re-purposed and or the layout changed as a result new footpaths and MHE tracks could have trip hazards / floor obstructions.

All the floor & joint repair services you need, all in one place.

We offer a wide range of floor and joint repair services to meet every type of need.

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All the floor & joint repair services you need, all in one place.

We offer a wide range of floor and joint repair services to meet every type of need.
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